Locksmith Grange, Gillingham ME7

 Address: Gillingham ME7 2WL   

Working in the vicinity of Hastings Arms 

Waiting time... (Mins)
ME Locksmith Grange prioritize lockout emergencies, our van can reach you in around 30 minutes in Grange and local vicinity you reside in. Just give us a call, explain what your emergency is and provide us with the address. NO callout charges, just good service.  Whenever you find yourself in a difficult situation that can only be solved efficiently with the help of a locksmith, call for assistance today. We are able to deal with the most difficult situations, with the resources necessary to help with any type of lockout. NO callout charges!
ME locksmiths Grange carry a comprehensive selection of locks from leading brands in our vans. These include Banham, Yale, ERA, Union and more. It able us to carry out most repairs day or night in all areas around Grange and to complete the job in just one visit. Our stock includes all common lock types, such as mortice locks, cylinder locks, rim cylinders and more. We gain entry using non-destructive entry techniques and blacksmithing equipment. Have you misplaced your keys or locked yourself out? ME Locksmiths Grange can get you back in without unnecessary damage to your doors or locks. The Grange Manor, previously known as Grench or Gillingham, is mentioned in 1349 as having a chantry chapel, but according to Hussey, it was actually built by Sir John Phillipot, who served as Lord Mayor of London from 1378 to 1379. The remains of the chapel can be found near the current house, and another ruined building known as the Refectory is still standing.